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The Heart of God, Jonah 3:10-4:5

Message Text: Jonah 3:10-4:5

Bro. David Mills

The Heart of God, Jonah 3:10-4:5

If we carefully look at the Bible, we will begin to be peeled back by it and our deeper attitudes will be scrutinized.  Today, we will see Jonah had four heart attitudes which the Lord challenged.  Do these exist in you?  If so, what are you doing to do about it?

Four UnChristian / Unholy / Ungodly / Unbiblical Core Attitudes that must be overcome by God’s Grace:

  1. When blinding nationalism prevents talking about the love of Jesus
  2. When God’s “unreasonable” expectations prevent talking about the love of Jesus
  3. When deep fear of personal embarrassment prevents talking about the love of Jesus
  4. When plain ole raw hatred of people prevents talking about the love of Jesus